But mixed in with the awful fear was a glorious feeling of excitement. But - here comes the big 'but' - not impossible." "I've always said to myself that if a little pocket calculator can do it why shouldn't I?" “But there was one other thing that the grown-ups also knew, and it was this: that however small the chance might be of striking lucky, the chance is there.
Willy Wonka, Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator “You’ll never get anywhere if you go about what-iffing like that.” “'My dear young fellow,' the Old-Green-Grasshopper said gently, 'there are a whole lot of things in this world of ours you haven't started wondering about yet.” Make sure everything you do is so completely crazy it's unbelievable.” “Matilda said, "Never do anything by halves if you want to get away with it.
“The matter with human beans,” the BFG went on, “is that they is absolutely refusing to believe in anything unless they is actually seeing it right in front of their own schnozzles.” “Quite simply, he was going to put in EVERYTHING.” Sit back and allow the words to wash around you, like music.” “Don’t worry about the bits you can’t understand. Most of us find ourselves beginning to crave rich steaming stews and hot apple pies and all kinds of delicious warming dishes and because we are all a great deal luckier than we realize, we usually get what we want-or near enough.” “There is something about very cold weather that gives one an enormous appetite. “Whipped cream isn't whipped cream at all if it hasnt been whipped with whips, just like poached eggs isn't poached eggs unless it's been stolen in the dead of the night.” I was flying past the stars on silver wings," Matilda said. “You seemed so far away," Miss Honey whispered, awestruck. "Oh, I was.